
Abandoned Dentist Office with Power Ontario

Abandoned Dentists Office

Exploring an Abandoned Dentists Office with Power

On a cold and icy night in the winter of 2018 I got word of an abandoned dentists office that could possibly be explored, this vacant dentists office was in the middle of a city and it was shocking to find no vandalism, no graffiti and nothing had been stolen.

Discovered by an explorer named Terry Wilson, this was a brand new and unexplored vacant dentists office, left vacant anywhere between 2011 and 2016.

Along with Carlo Paolozza, DDogg Vlogs and Terry Wilson, we made our approach and found a way to explore this abandoned dentists office by night, however with windows, neighbours etc it was far too hard to explore and film at night so I would return two more times by day to capture this unique location it it’s entirety.

It was incredible to see just how much had been left behind here from chairs to personal records to very expensive surgical equipment.

It would not take long for this location to be sealed up tight again, so a return visit would not be in my future, so I’m glad to have the chance to see this one top to bottom!

We explored this one many many months ago after a friend named Terry Wilson discovered it.

You can thank Terry by following him on Instagram and YouTube




Carlo Paolozza

Abandoned Dentists Office Photo Gallery

Abandoned Dentists Office Urban Exploring Video