
Sound of Silence

Sound of Silence/Freaktography Photo Montage

Late in 2015 a band called Disturbed released their dark cover of Simon & Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence, the song quickly took hold of me and I couldn’t get enough of this dark and well done cover of a classic song.  Every time I listened to the song I would be seeing images of the many sad and dark photographs I have taken over the years, it also caused me to envision photos I had not even taken yet.  I was quickly inspired to gather a collection of photos and to get out and take some new specific photos for a new project, I wanted to create a photo/video montage to this song with photographs that suited my interpretation of what this song means to me.

For me, this song evokes emotions of sadness, emptiness and loneliness.  The music video for the Disturbed cover shows images of a land where music is not allowed, instruments are taken away, people can write songs but they will never be sung, instruments hanging in ruins, not to be played again.  I was inspired to include images throughout my video interpretation of the many instruments I have photographed that have fallen silent due to death and abandonment.

Listening to the lyrics I chose to divide each section of the song to a different type of sadness to be found in abandoned houses, click the play button on the video below to view, turn up the volume and watch in full screen.  I have included a photo gallery at the bottom of the page containing all of the images used in the video.

If you like the song you can purchase the Disturbed cover of Sound of Silence here on iTunes

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Sound of Silence Photo Gallery